Visit of technical schools to the José Censabella Technological Center
Visit of technical schools to the José Censabella Technological Center
This April 27, 6th year students from two technical schools in Rosario visited the headquarters of the “José Censabella” Technological Center (CTJC), an educational entity created by AIM Rosario for training and labor certification.
The students attend the School of Professional Technical Education No. 466 "Gral. Manuel Nicolás Savio" and the EET No. 468 (better known as the former Técnica 6), both in the city of Rosario.
They were received by Engineer Omar Berrocal, director of the CTJC and member of the Board of Directors of AIM, and by the staff of the Technology Center.
As the CTJC is strategically located within the Alvear Industrial Park, the manager of said Park, Camilo Boffelli, also participated, explaining to the children what the dynamics of an industrial center are like. Also how the CenterTecnológico provides services to companies located there, while opening job opportunities for students who train in welding, electricity, forklift operation, etc.