Within the framework of the permanent link that we maintain with the main manufacturers of basic inputs, at ADIMRA we had a technical meeting with representatives of Arcelor Mittal.
During the meeting, from ADIMRA we raised the concern that exists in certain segments, such as wires, in the regular supply for companies in the sector. The company recognized the problem given that the shutdown in 2020 due to the pandemic was longer than expected and that caused orders to accumulate and they were not able to supply all the demand.
Likewise, the company announced that from mid-December to mid-February they will carry out traditional plant shutdowns. In this way, the company will not carry out the shutdown in March/April as it was this year, but as it used to do at fines/beginning of each year
We remind you that those companies represented by ADIMRA with difficulties can channel them through the following survey: M2FkOTU4MDZhMjUzM2JiYmI1NzFiMWMyOGY3NGM0NDEwYjQ0ZGIiLCJpIjpbXSwidSI6Imh 0dHBzOi8vZm9ybXMuZ2xlL1ZCZFhQWDdUUkRnc1UzS284IiwiYyI6IiIsImgiOiIzNTRiYzQ ifQ" target="_blank">https:// forms.gle/VBdXPX7TRDgsU3Ko8