On this day, through the resolution of the Ministry of Energy No. 375/20, Gas users through networks framed in the category of General P Services are authorized to currently enter into contracts between private parties with marketers and producers. of Gas, to opt to contract their natural gas supply through a producer/marketer or, through the zonal distributor under the full service modality.
The use of this option will be available until the expiration of the health emergency extended by PEN Decree No. 260/20 and extended by PEN Decree No. 167/21.
The resolution instructs ENARGAS to regulate the procedures to implement the resolution and IEASA to enter into contracts with the public gas distribution service providers through natural gas networks.regarding the volumes resulting from this new supply alternative.
To consult regarding this topic, we facilitate the contact of Matias Fernandez, coordinator of the ADIMRA Energy Commission, via email at mfernandez@adimra.org. ar or +54 9 3487 50 9627.