Dear Partners,
We hope you have had a very good start to the year. We are contacting you to convey the following employment news:
1. Cessation of the banibition to carry out dismissals without cause
The Decree 329/2020 and Its successive extensions established the prohibition of dismissals without cause, or for reasons of lack or reduction of work and force majeure, as well as suspensions based on such causes, until December 31, 2021.
Given that said measure operated until 12/31/2021 and it has lost validity, the provisions of the current Employment Contract Law are reestablished regarding dismissals.
2. Duplication of compensation for dismissals without cause
The Decree 886/21, sanctioned on December 23 , for its part, modifiedcute; the double compensation regime in the event of dismissal without just cause. The compensation scheme is structured as follows:
The limit of the increase will continue to be $500,000 in all cases, until June 30, 2022. As of July 1, 2022, the compensation corresponding to dismissals without just cause must be calculated based on the normal regime of the company. Employment Contract Law.
3. Promotion Regime Extensionacute;n Norte Grande
Through the Decreto 899/2021, the Executive Branch extended for three months the benefit of reduction of employer contributions for the new labor relations in the provinces that make up the Norte Grande, namely: Catamarca, Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Misiones, Salta, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán .
In this way, the benefit will cover all relationships that begin until June 30, 2022, with the same conditions established in the Decreto 191/2021 that created the regime.
4. Coverage of COVID-19 as an unlisted occupational disease for industry workers ceases
On December 31, 2021, the validity period of the Decree 39/2021 modified by Decree 413/2021. This implies the cessation of COVID-19 coverage for workers included in the scope of Law No. 24,557 on Occupational Risks and who have effectively provided tasks in their usual places, outside their home. particular.
As a consequence of this, such benefits will become regulated as blameless illnesses, their coverage being covered by the corresponding social work depending on the case.
The only exception is given for thethealth workers and members of federal or provincial security forces who are performing effective service. In this case, coverage will be for ART for a period of up to 60 days after the cessation of the health emergency, which currently applies until March 1, 2023.
5.Reiteration of the statement to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, on the constitution of the Forensic Medical Corps of the Occupational Risk Law
February 15, 2022 will mark 5 years since the enactment of Law 27,348, which introduced significant improvements to the Occupational Risk system. Although its modifications implied notable improvements, over timeThe persistence of litigation associated with the occupational risk sub-system has been confirmed. Faced with this, the effective implementation of a central aspect of the reform becomes urgent: the formation of the Forensic Medical Corps.
The absence of the Forensic Medical Corps consolidates the expert imbalances in the judicial field, and promotes the increase in litigation, especially due to the large discrepancies that are observed in the evaluation of disabilities, which continue to show a high degree of discretion.
For this reason we reaffirm our concern, and we are in the process of sending a new statement to the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, insisting on the need to regulate this institute as soon as possible and guarantee that the intervention of the expertss is governed by objective and transparent parameters.
6. Survey on vaccination levels against COVID-19
We remind all partners, especially given the imminence and virulence of infections of the third wave of COVID-19, that the Department of Social Policy and the UIA Study Center are carrying out asurvey to identify the vaccination deficit in the active populationand concentrate our efforts to promote prevention in those jurisdictions where it is most necessary.
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We encourage you to participate and share it withn their associates, companies in their regions or sector, to achieve a representative sample. Thank you very much!