ADIMRA Report – Financial and credit evolution report June 2021
ADIMRA Report – Financial and credit evolution report June 2021
Industrial estimates and estimates
Within the framework of the analyzes carried out by the institution, we share the report recently prepared by theDepartment of Economic Studies of ADIMRA which summarizes the situation regarding access to bank credit (mainly SMEs), as well as the most important variables regarding financing through the Capital Market.
At ADIMRA, we also offer advice on financing. Those companies that have requested a loan from the Ministry of Productive Development and FONDEP can communicate through the ADIMRA Single Window (VUA) for differentiated follow-up.
We take advantage of the opportunityd to share with you the monthly survey of news on bank financing: Bank financing lines June 2021
For any questions regarding this topic, you can contact Francisco Arno: (< /p>