We remind companies that in accordance with the Salary Agreement signed between UOMRA and ADIMRA in the month of April of the current year, as of 07/01/21 new basic Agreements will govern in accordance with the salary sheets that were already sent in a timely manner. by this means, which however you can obtain again in the link that we attach below.
We remember that a non-remunerative benefit must also be settled during the Period 7/1/2021 - 9/30/2021, consisting of an amount equivalent to 9% of the values of the basic salaries and other additional CCT 260/ 75 in force as of March 31, 2021. and that will be settled biweekly or monthly, depending on whether it is tdaily or monthly workers. The non-remunerative monetary benefit must continue to be identified in the salary receipts under the name "Non-remunerative allocation Agreement UOM-ADIMRAAFAC-CAMIMA-AFARTE-FEDEHOGAR-CAIAMA April/2021", in full or abbreviated form, and includes contributions and social work, union dues and solidarity contribution paid by the workers.-
II.- SOCIAL WORKS: right of exchange option and its regulations.
Through Decree 438/2021 (B.O. 07/07/2021) and effective as of the day following its publication, the Executive Branch updated the framework regulations that regulate the operational modalities of the exercise of the right of option to change work social, introducing modifications to previous regulations such as Decree 504/1998 and Decree 1400/2001.
It arises from said norm fundamentally that:
1º) The change option may be exercised only once a year during the entire calendar year and will become effective from the first day of the month following the formalization of the change request.
2º) The right of option to change the social work must be exercised individually and personally by the beneficiary, through the modalities provided and/or those that the Superintendency of Health Services provides in the future, guaranteeing the principles of transparency, integrity, speed and informality in favor of the beneficiaries.
3º) The digital modalities and platforms used must guarantee that the information corresponding to the exchange options made is available and accessible in a timely manner for the Federal Income Administrations Public (AFIP) and for Social Works of origin and destination.
4º) The Superintendency of Health Services must keep a record of the exchange options made by Health Insurance beneficiaries.
5º) The Social Works must guarantee access to detailed, complete and adequate information to the beneficiaries regarding the benefit coverage provided, guaranteeing, at a minimum, that the beneficiaries can access at all times the complete booklet, with the coverage plans and programs, through the institutional website of said entity and other channels that it provides.
6º) Workers who begin an employment relationship must remain in the Welfare Projects corresponding to the branch of their activity for one year before being able to exercise the right to change option.
7º) The member who exercises his rightThe exchange option must be made including all the beneficiaries included in article 9 of Law No. 23,660 and in the conditions established therein.
8º) The period of permanence of one year in the Welfare Projects corresponding to the activity will be applicable to employment relationships that began prior to 07/08/21 and do not have one year of seniority as of that date. Without prejudice to this, in the event that the worker has made use of the right of option prior to the entry into force of this document, said option will be respected.
III.- MINIMUM, VITAL AND MOBILE WAGE: Progressive increase starting in July 2021.
Resolution (CNEPYSMVYM) 6/2021 (B.O. 07/07/2021) modified its predecessor No. 4/2021, thus resulting in a new schedule of increases in the value of the Minimum Living and Mobile Wage for the months of July, August and September 2021, which is established as detailed below.
a) As of July 1, 2021, in pesos twenty-seven thousand two hundred sixteen ($27,216) for monthly workers, and pesos one hundred thirty-six, with eight cents ($136.08) per hour for daily workers; in both cases, if they complete the full legal work day. Workers included in the partial or reduced working hours situations provided for in articles 92 ter and 198 of the LCT will receive it proportionally.
b) As of August 1, 2021, in pesos twenty-eight thousand eighty ($28,080) for all monthly workers, and pesos one hundred and forty, with forty cents ($140.40) per hour for workers jorfinalized; in both cases, if they complete the full legal work day. Workers included in the partial or reduced working hours situations provided for in articles 92 ter and 198 of the LCT will receive it proportionally.
c) As of September 1, 2021, in pesos twenty-nine thousand one hundred sixty ($29,160) for all monthly workers, and pesos one hundred forty-five and eighty cents ($145.80) per hour for daily workers; in both cases, if they complete the full legal work day. Workers included in the partial or reduced working hours situations provided for in articles 92 ter and 198 of the LCT will receive it proportionally.