Survey dissemination Labor issues and training needs
Survey dissemination Labor issues and training needs
With the aim of scheduling the next Training Offer related to the needs of our industry, we send you the Training Needs Survey.
We ask you to please disseminate it among your associates to achieve a good reach in terms of the number of responses and sectoral and regional representativeness.
It is very important that this survey be answered by someone who is aware of the issues related to the company's personnel (they may be company owners, managers, directors, HR, etc.). To facilitate your response, the form has been designed in computer support, so completing it will take no more than 5 minutes.
To enter the questionnaire click on the boton below. If you access through this email, at the end of the survey we will be sending you a copy of your answers.
Please, we ask for your response before JULY 23, 2021. All data provided is treated with strict confidentiality and under statistical secrecy.
For any concerns regarding this survey, please contact the IAEA at